Author Archives: Jenni Regan

Behind the Scenes: Shaping a Refugee’s Story in Television Drama 

At Imix, we recently collaborated with a production company on The Gathering, a six-part Channel 4 drama featuring a young Syrian refugee in Liverpool.

Insights from IMIX’s Lived Experience Network

At Imix, we recently brought together a diverse group of individuals, including refugees and asylum seekers, from our lived experience network to discuss our past work, brainstorm ideas for improving our support systems, and plan for the future.  

Eight reasons why everyone needs to watch The Swimmers  

IMIX Chief Exec, Jenni Regan shares her thoughts on the highly-acclaimed film about the remarkable Mardini sisters.

The Platinum Jubilee showed that we can be a country that celebrates multiculturalism. We need to encourage these stories.

Even for staunch republicans, the long weekend provided an opportunity to connect with communities and think about what kind of nation we want to be in the future.   Are we a country that welcomes people, or one that closes our doors to those not born here? 

Post Borders Bill, here’s how we can increase public support for refugees

The Borders Bill is law. Now what? IMIX CEO Jenni Regan on how we can build on the recent swell of public support for refugees to change hearts and minds.