Category: Case Study

Behind the Scenes: Shaping a Refugee’s Story in Television Drama 

At Imix, we recently collaborated with a production company on The Gathering, a six-part Channel 4 drama featuring a young Syrian refugee in Liverpool.

Amir: ‘I now have power over my own story’

Fleeing Afghanistan in 2021 amidst the Taliban’s takeover, Amir, a talented photojournalist, sought refuge in the UK.

How IMIX began to humanise the toxic debate about Channel crossings 

As recently as 2018, less than 300 people crossed by small boat. These numbers soared after 2020,…

‘IMIX has made it possible to cover stories in much more depth than we would be able to otherwise’  

IMIX has worked closely with local news outlets in the North East through our regional coordinator in…

Reaching the grassroots in Stockton and Carlisle 

Carlisle In September 2022, IMIX attended a City of Sanctuary conference where we met a representative from…

Edane: ‘How being an Ambassador for International Migrants Day helped me see migrants differently’ 

Edane Ng is a Malaysian pianist and visual artist, a creative, and was one of the…

Mimi: ‘After surviving modern-day slavery, I have discovered the power of my voice’

Mimi Jalmasco is a scientist and qualified midwife from the Philippines, who, due to limited opportunities and…

How IMIX sparked the campaign against seven day evictions

In early September 2023, IMIX’s North East Co-ordinator attended a local meeting where a frontline worker flagged…

Zain: ‘I now have the confidence to speak about my experiences’

Zain After experiencing a ten-year wait for a decision while in the asylum system, Zain Hafeez was…

The Windrush Scandal Exposed 

IMIX worked with JCWI, Runnymede Trust, RMC and Praxis Community Projects to work out how we could…

Harnessing the power of coproduction with the Refugee Week Ambassadors

For the Refugee Week Ambassador Programme 2023, IMIX were keen to co-produce digital content with the group…

Building the confidence and communication skills of Action Asylum’s Project Workers through mentoring 

The IMIX mentorship pilot, which was initiated by the team’s North East Comms Co-ordinator in March 2023…