
How to talk about the government’s new plans for the asylum system

The IMIX communications team explain how to respond to the government's plans using storytelling techniques to create empathy and win over hearts and minds.

International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating inspirational women leaders working at the grassroots

To mark International Women’s Day 2021, IMIX celebrates women leaders working at the grassroots, responding to issues…

International Women’s Day: ‘Let our loudest voice be a threat to an unjust system’

Marissa Begonia founding member and director of The Voice of Domestic Workers shares honestly about the severe impact of the pandemic on vulnerable domestic workers.

International Women’s Day: ‘If we love one another, no one will be left behind’

Loraine Mponela, Chairperson at Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group shares her passion for tackling injustices and amplifying the voices of marginalised people.

International Women’s Day: ‘The pandemic made us realise that we need to unite’

Halaleh Taheri, founder and executive director of the Middle Eastern Women and Society Organisation shares the complexity of issues migrant women have faced during the pandemic and how she has been responding.

International Women’s Day: 5 amazing women and their powerful stories

The focus for International Women’s Day 2021 is on ‘Women in leadership’ so we wanted to take…

Apply to be the IMIX Digital Communications Officer

IMIX is recruiting a Digital Communications Officer.

Apply to the IMIX Regional Communications Coordinator (North East)

IMIX is recruiting a Regional Communications Manager.

10 top tips for charity storytelling

How can small charities make the best of their communications work? Katie Bryson from Action Foundation shares her top tips.

‘Aged 14, I walked from Eritrea to Sudan. I was one of the lucky ones. I survived.’

Nejat tells her extraordinary and difficult journey from Eritrea to the UK where eventually she was able to find safety and build a new life.

‘When people ask me about my nationality I say, I’m a Jewish, Egyptian-born, French-speaking British subject’

Doris Hugh and her family were expelled from Egypt in the 1957 Suez Crisis, and resettled in the UK where they rebuilt their lives in Manchester.

Creating an impact with our communications in 2021

There will be many challenges in 2021 but through powerful storytelling, celebrating the good work being done and looking for where there could be opportunities for political movement, we can continue to create communications which make an impact.