Case Study

Building the power of Tynemouth Together With Refugees campaigning and media work  

Posted by james on March 9, 2023

IMIX began working with Tynemouth Together With Refugees in 2021 as part of our strategy of building comms capacity within grassroots organisations. The North East-based campaign group was formed by a gaggle of sea swimmers passionate about calling for a kinder, fairer and more effective approach to supporting refugees in the UK.  

Their first major action was to organise a rally on their local beach in protest against the UK government’s proposed Nationality and Borders policy. The campaigners needed help to attract press attention so they got in touch with IMIX, who already had a strong reputation in the region for providing media expertise to local refugee organisations.

For this campaign, and those that followed our North East Media Coordinator provided support with writing press releases, connecting them with media contacts, safeguarding spokespeople with lived experience and preparing people for media interviews. We helped them achieve impactful media coverage both regionally and nationally, demonstrating how powerful local stories can cut through to be part of the national picture. This support also empowered the organisation to then write and put out their own press releases, contact the media and also to prioritise putting the voices of lived experience at the heart of their work.

Testimony from Penny Henry, Tynemouth Together With Refugees
“Support from IMIX has been crucial to the success of our campaign group, Tynemouth Together with Refugees. For each of the events we have held, IMIX have helped us with the best ways to engage press and media. As a result of this we have received excellent coverage from local TV and press, and our public profile has grown.

IMIX have supported us with writing press releases, putting us in touch with press and media contacts, establishing a social media presence and attendance at our meetings.

Just knowing that we can contact IMIX for advice on how to speak with the media on specific issues around migration has been invaluable.

IMIX has increased our awareness of the importance of putting people with lived experience at the heart of our campaign work. This has been a game changer in terms of increasing public and media attention and subsequently gaining support.”
