Category: IMD Ambassador

#IamAMigrant: Celebrating International Migrants Day 2023 with IMIX and IOM UK

Learn about International Migrants Day 2023 and the Ambassador programme by IMIX and International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in the UK.

Amer: ‘I want to speak for myself and for others who can’t speak for themselves’

Amer came to the UK as a refugee from Syria in 2018, he now works for The…

Veronica: ‘We all feel ‘Dor’ – the hunger to belong…’

Veronica came to the UK as a student to Cambridge University from Romania in 2018 and volunteers…

Kushinga: ‘I want to change the narrative around how people seeking sanctuary are viewed’

Kushinga left  Zimbabwe in 1999 to seek sanctuary in the UK and uses her experiences to help…

Lara: ‘I gained a political voice and felt able to advocate for myself and my rights’

Lara is a young political activist who moved from Brazil to the UK as a student in…

Nivek: ‘How I volunteer my time is my way of taking action’

Nivek moved to the UK, when he was 18 to move away from poverty and gangs in…

Elmedina: ‘I am not packing my bags this time’

Emeldina moved to the UK from Portugal where she faced racism to find acceptance and a sense…

Sarah: ‘I was determined to build a strong community’

Sarah came to the UK from Afghanistan almost 20 years ago – she had a successful career in…

Alexandra: ‘I became the first Romanian-born County Councillor’

Alexandra came to the UK from Romania in 2012 and along with Lara is the other…