#IamAMigrant: Celebrating International Migrants Day 2023 with IMIX and IOM UK
Posted by IMIX on December 1, 2023Join us this December to celebrate International Migrants Day as we share the stories of people who have made the UK their home.

International Migrants Day 2023 Ambassadors. Photo by Scarlett Novoa
‘For International Migrants Day 2023, I believe the best way to commemorate and celebrate is to strengthen our solidarity. We are all fellow travellers – some passing by, some settling down, but always, always seeking our place to be at home with the world.’ – Sarah Katrina, one of this year’s Ambassadors.
Every year since 2000, the world marks International Migrants Day on December 18th. It is a day to share and celebrate the stories, experiences and challenges of people around us who move, whether by choice or necessity. This day also serves as a reminder that human rights are not something we ‘earn’ by virtue of being a hero or a victim, but are an entitlement of everyone, irrespective of origin, age, gender and status.
There is no better way to mark International Migrants Day than by celebrating the voices of lived experience. This is why, for the third year, IMIX and IOM UK (International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in the UK) have teamed up to run the International Migrants Day Ambassador Programme. This is part of a broader nationwide initiative encouraging organisations, local communities, and individuals throughout the UK to celebrate the day. This year’s theme, #IamAMigrant, focuses on the ways in which migrants enrich and deepen our society.
This year we have been working with a group of six inspiring ambassadors from different migrant backgrounds who have moved to the UK, supporting them to tell their stories in the press and on social media.
From a biomedical engineer using AI to help cancer patients to a survivor of modern slavery raising the voices of domestic workers in the UK, they are united in bringing their individual talents to their communities to make them a better place for all.
Photo by Scarlett Novoa
In October, we gathered with the ambassadors at the IOM UK office and the National Maritime Museum for an immersive two days of workshops, storytelling and building connections. The residential aimed to empower them in choosing their key messages, engaging with the media, and sharing their stories on digital platforms. The event also provided a space for ambassadors to exchange insights and learn from each other’s experiences and skills.
In the spirit of celebrating the diversity that makes up our communities we also hosted an afternoon tea party where everyone shared delicious cakes, biscuits and desserts from their own traditions and cultural backgrounds!
We’re gearing up for International Migrants Day on Monday, December 18, and in the week leading up to it, stay tuned for a variety of content from our ambassadors –– watch this space!
‘This year’s impressive group of Ambassadors bring a huge amount of talent, energy and strength to International Migrant’s Day 2023. It’s been a pleasure to bring our ambassadors together to provide media training that empowers them to share their captivating stories of migration with the wider world. Putting their voices at the heart of the campaign directly challenges toxic narratives about migration.’ – Jenni Regan, Chief Exec at IMIX.
Here’s how you can celebrate International Migrants Day 2023 and get involved on social media.