Case Study

‘IMIX has made it possible to cover stories in much more depth than we would be able to otherwise’  

Posted by Katherine Maxwell-Rose on February 20, 2024

IMIX has worked closely with local news outlets in the North East through our regional coordinator in the region. This has increased the quantity and quality of news coverage in the region, particularly at Hits Radio North East, as Ellie Kumar, Senior News Desk Editor at the radio station explains:  

‘The IMIX Team have been incredibly helpful in finding local case studies for us in order to help us keep running stories about the work they do and the issues facing refugees in the region. 

They have helped set up interviews in advance with members of the North East Refugee Delegation who travelled to Parliament in 2023 to host a drop-in session for MPs and peers to discuss changes urgently needed to the asylum system, including family reunion, the right to work, and safe routes. We were then also able to have audio sent over from members of the group while they were in London.  

Another case is Tynemouth Together With Refugees beach rally, protesting the Government’s Nationality and Borders Bill – where again the team were able to set up an interview for us in advance of the event so we could preview it in our news, then have photos and audio clips sent over from the event itself to continue the coverage. 

The team have been a real asset to us and made it possible to cover stories like this in much more depth than we’d be able to otherwise.’
