
#It Takes A Community: Why celebrating International Migrants Day is more important than ever

Posted by IMIX on November 23, 2022

Join us next month to celebrate International Migrants Day, when we will be sharing the stories of people who have made the UK their home.

Since 2000, people in the UK and around the world have marked International Migrants Day on 18 December. It is a time to reflect on how movement has always been a part of human history, and how migrants are an inextricable part of our neighbourhoods and communities. This day is also a reminder that human rights are not ‘earned’ by virtue of being a hero or a victim, but are an entitlement of everyone, regardless of origin, age, gender and status.

There is no better way to mark International Migrants Day than by foregrounding voices of lived experience. This is why last year, IMIX and IOM (International Organization for Migration) teamed up to run the  International Migrants Day Ambassador Programme; we worked with a vibrant, varied group of people who’ve moved to the UK to tell their stories in the press and on social media.

They all came from different backgrounds, walks of life and had varying interests.

We had Alexandra Bulat, the UK’s first Romanian-born councillor; Kushinga Hare, a writer whose family sought safety in the UK as a child; Nivek Amichund, the first non-white person to be head of household at the Tower of London, and many more.

We’re excited to announce we are yet again bringing together a group of ambassadors to celebrate International Migrants Day 2022. We are looking forward to introducing them to you soon – watch this space!

We are working on a range of videos, social media posts and graphics that we are excited to share with you.

IMD Ambassador Lara

Ambassador Lara Parizotto, an ambassador from International Migrants Day 2021 reflects on her experiences from last year.

Lara is a Brazilian-born, Hounslow-based councillor and activist. She said: “Last year, I had the chance to be an International Migrants Day Ambassador which was an exciting opportunity to share my immigration journey, and also to meet other fantastic migrant activists, hear their stories and find ways of continuing to work together.

“Most importantly, we connected through food. Our cooking class session with Migrateful was a beautiful experience where we all shared fond memories about our childhood, favourite dishes from ‘back home’, and how we kept ourselves connected to our roots through food. Together, we prepared delicious dishes with different spices and different techniques, ultimately creating something that meant so much to all of us and that could be enjoyed together.

“Connecting, learning from one another, speaking up, and working together is exactly what I see more and more of in our immigration movement, and I hope this International Migrants Day can once again make this a reality.”

How you can get involved for International Migrants Day 2022

Let’s create together a positive social media buzz about migration in the UK. During the week leading to International Migrants Day, 12-18 December, follow and use the hashtags:



Tag us on Twitter so that we can amplify your messages:




Share, like and comment on the stories that are shared by IMIX, IOM and other campaign supporters.

Social Media Toolkit

How is migration positively shaping your community? How have you or those around you contributed to building a strong sense of community that embraces diversity and inclusion of all, including migrants?

We are producing customisable assets and a toolkit that you will be able to use to create your own content. We will share it at the beginning of December. For information contact

Do you already have plans for International Migrants Day?

If you have an existing initiative or project that resonates well with the concept It Takes A Community or are planning an event, let us know!

We can give visibility to your work in the news and events section on the national International Migrants Day platform.

Resources for schools and educational activities

Resources for teachers and educators are available on Schools of Sanctuary website.

Contact if you want to collaborate, if you have a #ItTakesACommunity story that you think may get press interest, or if you are looking for for support or advice.

International Migrants Day, positive stories,