Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants

Posted by IMIX on December 9, 2021

Migrant key workers

Leading global affairs think tank ODI take a closer look at trends in migration patterns, public perceptions and political narratives

Public narratives and attitudes towards refugees and other migrants: UK country profile

Developed by ODI, this report tracks and analyses polling data from as early as 1937 to the present day on public attitudes towards refugees and other migrants in the UK. The report reveals nuanced, dynamic and often pragmatic views amongst the general UK public. Highly positive narratives around cultural diversity and migrants’ contributions to the UK health and care system are common and growing since the EU referendum.

Hearts and minds: how Europeans think and feel about immigration

Based on research tracking public opinion data on public attitudes towards refugees and other migrants in the UK and various European countries, this data visualisation conveys how narratives and perceptions on migration have evolved over time. The data visualisation reveals that public opinions are not as we think: in most European countries people are not strongly in favour or against immigration, but instead have mixed feelings which have become increasingly positive in recent years.

Key workers – Migrants’ contribution to the COVID-19 response

This data visualisation collects examples of reforms, new initiatives and campaigns on migrants’ essential contribution to the COVID-19 response from the UK and across the world. Stories focus on the healthcare sector, alongside agriculture, hospitality and immigration law, to recognise and better support migrant workers in the COVID-19 response and demonstrate their essential contributions to our economies and societies.
