
We should all celebrate Nowruz, the holiday of spring and renewal  

'The UK has a proud history of welcoming thousands of refugees who celebrate Nowruz': our community Coordinator Elahe Ziai explains why we should all be aware of Nowruz, the farsi-speaking New Year. 

Tips on how to take anonymous photos

Portrait photographer Nastia Nizalova on how you can take powerful photos that keep the subject anonymous.

A message from our new Chief Executive, Jenni Regan

Jenni Regan, our new CEO, shares her background,…

Celebrating women leaders with refugee and migration experiences for International Women’s Day 2022

This year we spoke to women with lived experience of migration and or forced displacement who work in the charity sector and help others who have been in similar situations.  

International Women’s Day: Q & A with Alphonsine Kabagabo, Director of Women for Refugee Women

For International Women’s Day 2022, we talk to Alphonsine Kabagabo, the Director of Women for Refugee Women, an organisation that advocates for and empowers women refugees.  

International Women’s Day Q & A: Marianna Solodcaia, founder of the Vera Group

Marianna Solodcaia moved to Walsall from Moldova six years ago and threw herself in her local community, volunteering and taking English classes. She also founded the Vera Group, a support group for women with Eastern European backgrounds.

When is a hotel not a hotel? How to talk about hotels and the asylum system

How do we create a better narrative about hotels? This is a conversation we’ve had regularly at IMIX. Here’s one suggestion – stop calling them hotels.

We need to think outside of the box to tell powerful stories about displacement

Puppetry, pop-up books, theatre... IMIX’s Community Coordinator Elahe Ziai on harnessing different types of storytelling methods to talk about refugee experiences  

Clause 9 may be our best chance of raising wider public awareness of the Borders Bill

We need the public to mobilise against the Nationality and Borders Bill. Clause 9 may be our best chance.

Rabbie Burns and the Nationality and Borders Bill

Elahe Ziai, a proud "New Scot" writes about what Burns Night means to her, and what Scotland's National Bard would have thought about the UK government's Nationality and Borders Bill?

International Women’s Day 2022: Grace Nine from Voice of Domestic Workers

Member of Voice of Domestic Workers and frontline activist Grace Nine on the importance of women with lived experience in the migration sector.