
‘I wish I hadn’t had to make that hellish journey’

Gulwali Passarlay shares the story of his epic journey of travelling alone over ten countries at just 12 years old.

IMIX is recruiting a Communications Manager

IMIX is looking for a Communications Manager with a specific focus on the EU Settlement Scheme.

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without migration

The traditional 'British' Christmas contains elements from all over the world and it is all the richer for it.

8 ways to help refugees this Christmas

Looking for an alternative to Black Friday? Here's a list to get you giving, sharing and helping out refugees this Christmas.

‘The sacrifice was worth it’

Mihai travelled to the UK with hope and expectation but when he arrived life was much tougher than he ever thought it would be.

We’re looking for young people to join our board!

We’re on the lookout for young people who have been affected by the UK immigration system and want to help us achieve change.

‘I walked into my own funeral’

Taban Shoresh's remarkable story of her narrow escape from being buried alive under Saddam Hussein's regime.

‘I am a human, you know. Tell them that’

Why the human faces and stories behind those attempting to cross the Channel need to be heard in the media now more than ever.

10 ways to speak out during an election campaign

How to get the issues you care about heard during an election.

Planning now for a general election

With the threat of a general election on the horizon, it’s crucial to make sure your organisation is communications-ready.

We’re looking for new trustees!

Are you passionate about migration and refugee issues?

‘I came for the chance to live as a human being’

Ahmad spent most of his life living in a refugee camp but he knew he wanted his daughters to have a different future.